Yerushalmi Research Group

46) Salma Khaldi, Prajith Karadan, Krushnamurty Killi, Clovis Eduardo Mazzotti de Oliveira and Roie Yerushalmi
Ultra-shallow p-type doping of silicon by performing atomic layer deposition of Al2O3 thin films onto SiO2/Si. Chemical Communications, 2024, 60, 11754-11757

45) Krushnamurty Killi, Yuval Madmon, Ronen Verker, and Roie Yerushalmi
Combined Atomic and Molecular Layer Deposition Surface Modification of Carbon Nanotubes for CNT–Epoxy Polymer Composites. ACS Appl. Nano Mater. 2022, 5, 15429−15440

44) Oren Elishav, David Stone, Anton Tsyganok, Swetha Jayanthi, David S. Ellis, Tamir Yeshurun, Itzhak I. Maor, Adar Levi, Vadim Beilin, Gennady E. Shter, Roie Yerushalmi, Avner Rothschild*, Uri Banin*, and Gideon S. Grader*
Composite Indium Tin Oxide Nanofibers with Embedded Hematite Nanoparticles for Photoelectrochemical Water Splitting. ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 2022, 14, 37, 41851–41860

43) H.Al-Bustami, S.Khaldi, O.Shoseyov, S.Yochelis, K.Killi, I.Berg, E.Gross, Y.Paltiel, and R.Yerushalmi.
Atomic and Molecular Layer Deposition of Chiral Thin Films Showing up to 99% Spin Selective Transport. Nano Lett. 2022, 22, 12, 5022–5028

42) Boaz Kalderon, Debabrata Sarkar, Krushnamurty Killi, Tamuz Danzig, Doron Azulay, Oded Millo, Gili Cohen-Taguri and Roie Yerushalmi.
Layered Si–Ti oxide thin films with tailored electrical and optical properties by catalytic tandem MLD-ALD. RSC Adv.,2021, 11, 35099-35109

41) Amir Ziv,Omer Shoseyov,Prajith Karadan,Brian P. Bloom,Sharone Goldring,Tzuriel Metzger,Shira Yochelis, David H. Waldeck, Roie Yerushalmi,and Yossi Paltiel.
Chirality Nanosensor with Direct Electric Readout by Coupling of Nanofloret Localized Plasmons with Electronic Transport. Nano Lett, 2021, 21 (15), 6496-6503

40) Swetha Jayanthi, Debabrata Sarkar, Dereje Hailu Taffa, Roie Yerushalmi.
Photoreactivity of Deep VB Titania Attained Via Molecular Layer Deposition; Interplay of Metal Oxide Thin Film Built in Strain and Molecular Effects. Topics in Catalysis, 2021, 64, 297–312

39) Prajith Karadan, Amir Ziv, Avra Tzaguy, Shira Yochelis, Yossi Paltiel, and Roie Yerushalmi.
Molecular Fingerprint Detection Using Portable Water-Compatible Electronic Tunneling Spectroscopy Device. Adv. Mater. Interfaces, 2020, 2000605

38) Avra Tzaguy, Prajith Karadan, Krushnamurty Killi, Ori Hazut, Iddo Amit, Yossi Rosenwaks, and Roie Yerushalmi.
Boron Monolayer Doping: Role of Oxide Capping Layer, Molecular Fragmentation, and Doping Uniformity at the Nanoscale. Adv. Mater. Interfaces, 2020, 1902198

37) Amir Ziv, Avra Tzaguy, Zhiyuan Sun,Shira Yochelis, Emmanuel Stratakis, George Kenanakis,George C. Schatz, Lincoln J. Lauhon, David N. Seidman, Yossi Paltiel and Roie Yerushalmi.
Broad-band high-gain room temperature photodetectors using semiconductor–metal nanofloret hybrids with wide plasmonic response. Nanoscale, 2019,11,6368-6376

36) Shlomo Yitzchaik, Rafael Gutierrez, Gianaurelio Cuniberti, and Roie Yerushalmi.
Diversification of Device Platforms by Molecular Layers: Hybrid Sensing Platforms, Monolayer Doping, and Modeling. Langmuir, vol. 34, no. 47, pp. 14103–14123, 2018

35) Zhiyuan Sun, Ori Hazut , Roie Yerushalmi , Lincoln J. Lauhon , David N. Seidman.
Criteria and considerations for preparing atom-probe tomography specimens of nanomaterials utilizing an encapsulation methodology. Ultramicroscopy, 2018, 184, 225-233

34) Zhiyuan Sun, Avra Tzaguy, Ori Hazut, Lincoln J. Lauhon, Roie Yerushalmi, and David N. Seidman.
1-D Metal Nanobead Arrays within Encapsulated Nanowires via a Red-Ox-Induced Dewetting: Mechanism Study by Atom-Probe Tomography. Nano Lett., 2017, 17 (12), 7478–7486

33) Ori Hazut and Roie Yerushalmi.
Direct Dopant Patterning by a Remote Monolayer Doping Enabled by a Monolayer Fragmentation Study. Langmuir, 2017, 33 (22), 5371–5377

32) Amir Ziv, Avra Tzaguy, Ori Hazut, Shira Yochelis, Roie Yerushalmi and Yossi Paltiel.
Self-formed nanogap junctions for electronic detection and characterization of molecules and quantum dots. RSC Adv., 2017, 7, 25861

31) Zhiyuan Sun, Ori Hazut, Bo-Chao Huang, Ya-Ping Chiu, Chia-Seng Chang, Roie Yerushalmi, Lincoln J. Lauhon, and David N. Seidman.
Dopant Diffusion and Activation in Silicon Nanowires Fabricated by ex Situ Doping: A Correlative Study via Atom-Probe Tomography and Scanning Tunneling Spectroscopy. Nano Lett., 2016, 16(7), 4490-4500

30) Ori Hazut, Sharon Waichman, Thangavel Subramani, Debabrata Sarkar, Sthitaprajna Dash, Teresa Roncal-Herrero, Roland Kroger, and Roie Yerushalmi.
Semiconductor-Metal Nano-Floret Hybrid Structures by Self-Processing Synthesis. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2016, 138, 4079−4086

29) Debabrata Sarkar, Sergey Ishchuk, Dereje Hailu Taffa, Niv Kaynan, Binyamin Adler Berke, Tatyana Bendikov, and Roie Yerushalmi.
Oxygen-Deficient Titania with Adjustable Band Positions and Defects; Molecular Layer Deposition of Hybrid Organic−Inorganic Thin Films as Precursors for Enhanced Photocatalysis. J. Phys. Chem. C 2016, 120, 3853−3862

28) Ori Hazut, Bo-Chao Huang, Adi Pantzer, Iddo Amit, Yossi Rosenwaks, Amit Kohn, Chia-Seng Chang, Ya-Ping Chiu, and Roie Yerushalmi.
Parallel p-n Junctions across Nanowires by One-Step ex-situ Doping. ACS Nano, 2014, 8(8), 8357−8362

27) Debabrata Sarkar, Dereje Hailu Taffa, Sergey Ishchuk, Ori Hazut, Hagai Cohen, Gil Toker, Micha Asscher, and Roie Yerushalmi.
Tailor-Made Oxide Architectures Attained by Molecularly Permeable Metal-Oxide Organic Hybrid Thin Films. Chem. Commun., 2014, 50 (65), 9176 - 9178

26) Niv Kaynan, Binyamin Adler Berke, Ori Hazut, and Roie Yerushalmi.
Sustainable photocatalytic production of hydrogen peroxide from water and molecular oxygen. J. Mater. Chem. A, 2014, 2, 13822-13826

25) Arunava Agarwala, Niv Kaynan, Seva Zaidiner, and Roie Yerushalmi.
Surface modification of metal oxides by polar molecules in non-polar, polarizable solvent system. Chem. Commun., 2014, 50 (40), 5397 - 5399

24) Ori Hazut, Arunava Agarwala, Thangavel Subramani, Sharon Waichman, and Roie Yerushalmi.
Monolayer Contact Doping of Silicon Surfaces and Nanowires Using Organophosphorus Compounds. J. Vis. Exp., 2013, 82, e50770

23) Arunava Agarwala, Thangavel Subramani, Amir Goldbourt, David Danovich, and Roie Yerushalmi.
Facile Monolayer Formation on SiO2 Surfaces via Organoboron Functionalities. Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 2013, 52, 7415-7418

22) Ori Hazut, Arunava Agarwala, Iddo Amit, Thangavel Subramani, Seva Zaidiner, Yossi Rosenwaks, and Roie Yerushalmi.
Contact Doping of Silicon Wafers and Nanostructures with Phosphine Oxide Monolayers. ACS Nano, 2012, 6(11), 10311−10318

21) Sergey Ishchuk, Dereje Hailu Taffa, Ori Hazut, Niv Kaynan, and Roie Yerushalmi.
Transformation of Organic Inorganic Hybrid Films Obtained by Molecular Layer Deposition to Photocatalytic Layers with Enhanced Activity. ACS Nano, 2012, 6(8), 7263-7269

20) Z. Fan, J. C. Ho, T. Takahashi, R. Yerushalmi, K. Takei, A. C. Ford, Y.-L. Chueh, and A. Javey.
Towards the Development of Printable Nanowire Electronics and Sensors. Adv. Mat., 2009, 21, 1-14

19) Johnny C. Ho, Roie Yerushalmi, Gregory Smith, Prashant Majhi, Joseph Bennett, Jeffri Halim, Vladimir N. Faifer, and Ali Javey.
Wafer-Scale, Sub-5 nm Junction Formation by Monolayer Doping and Conventional Spike Annealing. Nano. Lett., 2009, 9, 725-730

18) Z. Fan, J. C. Ho, R. Yerushalmi, and A. Javey.
Roll Printing of Nanowires for Integrated Device and Sensor Arrays. The Bridge (National Academy of Engineering), 2008, 38, 18-24

17) Roie Yerushalmi, Johnny C. Ho, Zhiyong Fan, and Ali Javey.
Phosphine Oxide Monolayers on SiO2 Surfaces. Angew Chem Int Ed, 2008, 47, 4440-4442

16) Roie Yerushalmi, Zachery A. Jacobson, Johnny C. Ho, Zhiyong Fan, and Ali Javey.
Large scale, highly ordered assembly of nanowire parallel arrays by differential roll printing. APL, 2007, 91, 203104.

15) Johnny C. Ho, Roie Yerushalmi, Zachery A. Jacobson, Zhiyong Fan, Robert L. Alley, Ali Javey.
Controlled nanoscale doping of semiconductors via molecular monolayers. Nature Materials, 2008, 7, 62-67

14) Roie Yerushalmi, Johnny C. Ho, Zachery A. Jacobson, and Ali Javey.
Generic Nano-Material Positioning by Carrier and Stationary Phase Design. Nano Lett, 2007, 7, 2764-2768

13) Zhiyong Fan, Johnny C. Ho, Zachery A. Jacobson, Roie Yerushalmi, Robert L. Alley, Haleh Razavi, Ali Javey.
Wafer-scale assembly of highly ordered semiconductor nanowire arrays by contact printing. Nano Lett, 2008, 8, 20-25

12) Roie Yerushalmi, Milko van der Boom, and Hagai Cohen.
Chemical-Site Capacitance: Submolecular Measurements and a Model. J Phys Chem C, 2007, 111, 13652-13654

11) Neta Filip-Granit, Milko E. van der Boom, Roie Yerushalmi, Avigdor Scherz, and Hagai Cohen.
Submolecular Potential Profiling Across Organic Monolayers. Nano Lett, 2006, 6, 2848-2851

10) Roie Yerushalmi, Alex Brandis, Kim K. Baldridge, and Avigdor Scherz.
Modulation of Fragmental Charge Transfer via Hydrogen Bonds.Direct Measurement of Electronic Contributions. J Phys Chem A, 2006, 110, 412-421

9) Roie Yerushalmi, Idan Ashur, and Avigdor Scherz.
Metal substituted Bacteriochlorophylls: Novel Molecular Tools. In: Advances in Photosynthesis and Respiration, Vol. 25, B. Grimm, R. Porra, W. Rdiger, H. Scheer (eds.) Chlorophylls and Bacteriochlorophylls: Biochemistry, Biophysics, Functions and Applications Springer, Dordrecht, The Netherlands, 2006, pp. 495-506

8) Roie Yerushalmi, Avigdor Scherz, Milko van der Boom, and Heinz-Bernhard Kraatz.
Stimuli responsive materials: new avenues toward smart organic devices. J Mat Chem, 2005, 15, 4480-4487

7) Neta Filip-Granit, Roie Yerushalmi, Alex Brandis, Milko E. van der Boom, and Avigdor Scherz.
Uniform Approach to Bacteriochlorophyll-based Monolayers on Conducting, Semi-conducting, and Insulating Substrates. J Phys Chem B, 2005, 109, 6933-6935(NFG and RY equal contribution)

6) Roie Yerushalmi, Avigdor Scherz, and Kim K. Baldridge.
Direct Experimental Evaluation of Charge Schemes Performance by a Molecular Charge-Meter. J Am Chem Soc, 2004, 126, 5897-5905

5) Roie Yerushalmi, Avigdor Scherz, and Milko E. van der Boom.
Enhancement of Molecular Properties in Thin Films by Controlled Orientation of Molecular Building Blocks. J Am Chem Soc, 2004, 126, 2700-2701

4) Roie Yerushalmi, Kim K. Baldridge, and Avigdor Scherz.
An Experimental Look into sub-Electron Charge Flow. J Am Chem Soc, 2003, 125, 12706-12707

3) Roie Yerushalmi, Dror Noy, Kim K. Baldridge and Avigdor Scherz.
Mutual control of axial and equatorial ligands; model studies with [Ni]-Bacteriochlorophyll-a. J Am Chem Soc, 2002, 124, 8406-8415

2) Dror Noy, Roie Yerushalmi, Vlad Brumfeld, Idan Ashur, Hugo Scheer, Kim K. Baldridge, and Avigdor Scherz.
Optical Absorption and Computational Studies of [Ni]-Bacteriochlorophyll-a. New Insight into Charge Distribution between Metal and Ligands. J Am Chem Soc, 2000, 122, 3937-3944

1) Dror Noy, Vlad Brumfeld, Idan Ashur, Roie Yerushalmi, Hugo Scheer, and Avigdor Scherz.
Axial ligand coordination and photodissociation of nickel bacteriochlorophyll-a, in Photosynthesis: Mechanisms and Effects, Garab, G., Editor. 1998, Kluwer Acad. Publ.: Dordrecht. p. 4225-4228